Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 2

Hi all! we are off and running! the first weeks we will be entirely focused on dribbling skills! mostly on lots of touches, all surfaces and working on 'moves'...or deceptions/fakes. the basic format of all the practices will be:

1. We start each practice with dynamic stretch routines, mixed with skill development.
2. We work into confined area skill development
3. next we ease into a competitive environment
4. we finish off with game like situations.

you will see us use mostly very small sided games 2 v 2 or 3 v 3 with the occasional 5 v 5 or 6 v 6. the reason we will do that is that the girls 'touches' increase more than linearly the smaller the game...and it is all about touches now!

we will be asking the girls to hold the ball as long as possible and 'create space' with their arms, legs and hips and 'change direction/change speed' when challenged! they should be cutting, chopping, pulling back, loading & exploding, sissoring...

You are all welcome to come and observe right on the field, so please don't hesitate to come closer.

the purpose of this blog is to communicate 2 here is the question the girls need to reply on each week...

1. What are we learning as a group
2. What do they need to work on from what we practiced

i'd like to see a response from them each week!

Homework anyone! please have them use some of the in-home ideas i sent a few weeks ago to keep them touching the ball!

Thanks and look forward to seeing you all next week!


  1. We learned how to change direction with moves and to dribble until you're pressured and then pass. We need to work on butt in the gut and moving direction when a person comes toward us. Sean Miller
